Streamline Explosive Acquisition, Storage And Disposition.

Simple, Powerful Powder Magazine Management Software

Industry leading ATF 2007-1 Ruling Compliant software to easily track your explosives inventory at your site, all in one place. Get real-time alerts and notifications when the inventory numbers dont add up or if your crew uses newer inventory first

ATF Compliance and Powder Magazine Management Software

Streamlined ATF compliance for Mining and Construction

MagLogs - ATF Compliance and Powder Magazine Management Software

Get started in Minutes

MagLogs works right from your browser, with over 1000+ standard explosives from a wide variety of Explosives manufactures so you dont need to import all of ‘em manually

Generate your first magLog

Download the app, go to your Magazine and count your stock. Then, check-out inventory from your magazine, blast some rock, and check stuff back in at the end of your shift to generate your first​

Kill The Grunt work

Save thousands of hours per year in time and effort spent on tedious data management. Use those additional hours to have miners spend more time working the bench or face to make your bonuses​​

Lets get you started

It is really easy to get up and running with MagLogs. See how our customers are using MagLogs to streamline their Explosives Tracking and Reporting so they can focus on getting MORE STUFF DONE!

Easy to Train

Miner Friendly App

MagLogs is designed with miners in mind — especially the drill-and-blast crew, and the safety managers responsible that are responsible for ensuring ATF compliance. A simple and easy to use app streamlines the process for receiving inventory at site, checking-out and checking-in explosives and generating daily, weekly and monthly ATF compliant DSMT (Daily Summary of Magazine Transcations), and other forms

MagLogs - ATF 2007-1 compliant digital records - 2
MagLogs - Explosives Inventory Acquisition and Disposition

Streamlines workflows

Super-easy explosive receiving, storage and disposition workflows

Record all explosives that are received on site. Then, track which Powder Magazine contains each SKU from a supplier. Use the GroundHog MagLogs app to check-out explosives from the Powder Magazine, and then check-in unused explosives. Also track the benches, headings, faces, and stopes where these explosives were consumed to create ATF compliant daily disposition logs. 

Miners can generate signatures on the app for sign-offs.

Meet ATF regulations

Ensure Date Compliance

Regulations require that the oldest explosives be used first. When are miner attempts to check-out explosives that do not comply with this rule, MagLogs notifies their supervisor and the Safety team about this non-compliance so the miner is re-trained to meet the regulations. 

MagLogs Date Compliance
MagLogs - track bulk materials

Handle all types of material

Track bulk materials, boxes and sticks, reels and yards, drums and gallons, and more

Track all types of explosives stored at a site, including
  1. Individually tracked explosives such as detonators
  2. Bulk material such as emulsions
  3. Det Cords delivered in reels
  4. Anfo delivered in bags
  5. Explosives delivered in crates
  6. … and any other type of material

be informed of non-compliance

Automated reports and non-compliance notifications

GroundHog MagLogs sends daily reports (PDFs and Excel files) via e-mail. These also include notifications on non-compliance when:  
  1. Every magazine needs to be inventoried atleast once a week
  2. Oldest inventory should be used first
  3. Explosives checked-in cannot be higher than explosives checked-out
  4. All Explosives replenishments need to be tracked accordingly
  5. Only authorized personnel are allowed to handle explosives
  6. …. and many more  
MagLogs - Compliance Notifications

Mag Logs is a GroundHog Company

what our Customers say

Schedule a 30 Minute hands-on Demo

It is really easy to get up and running with MagLogs. See how our customers are using MagLogs to streamline their Explosives Tracking and Reporting so they can focus on getting MORE STUFF DONE!

GroundHog powers some of the largest mines in the world

Wait! Want talk to our customers?

…about how they manage explosives and how they work with the ATF, DoT, and MSHA?